Do the work and watch your health improve…
Posted on December 6, 2016 by Movement Health in Exercise Physiology, Just saying..

I was reading a news article recently about some emerging science regarding the role inflammation plays in compromising the body’s immune system and how this may affect a person’s experience of depression. Whilst the overlap between the nervous system and immune system is not a new concept in some areas of healthcare, these ideas seem to be gaining greater acknowledgment across the broader world of healthcare (in this articles example mental health).
If you want to know more I suggest you read the article (link below); however one part of the article I would like to talk about is what the author recommends you can do to reduce/mange inflammation. These recommendations are:
- Participate in exercise
- Good nutrition
- Meditate
Here we go again, yet another positive health benefit that can be derived from participating in a good, balanced lifestyle. Consistently these three seem to emerge as playing a positive role in our health, yet still large numbers of us are not getting involved. Why? Is it a little daunting that as individuals we can do things (exercise, eat well, meditate) that will powerfully affect so many facets of our health for the better, or is it easier to sit around and wait for he arrival of illness.
I’m going to assume most of us aren’t interested in illness, so it must mean people are having trouble getting started on the road to a healthy balanced lifestyle. Getting started can mean different things for people; we’re all individuals, as long as we do something. For some it might mean keeping a gratitude diary, others might join a walking group, maybe download a nutrition app or perhaps you might need to meet with a health professional to get the ball rolling. Keep in mind action creates momentum; the small change you make today is setting you up for bigger (healthier) things in the future. The changes may initially feel uncomfortable, that’s the nature of change, do the work and watch your health improve.
Thanks for reading, Warwick..
Magee, A. (2016, November 17). Depression: does it originate in the immune system? Sydney Morning Herald. Retrieved from